Vanessa Aguilar presents her research at 2020 CLACS Conference
February 26, 2020
Chicano/Latino Studies PhD student Vanessa Aguilar presented her pre-dissertation research titled, "Excavating: Curanderismo in the Archive" at the 2020 CLACS Conference, a project sponsored by CLS and CLACS Tinker Grant.
Vanessa's archival research was conducted in the Summer of 2019 in Guadalajara, Jalisco. "Excavating" is an on-going research project that positions curanderas and/or "brujas" as authorial agents within 18th century colonial-Mexico's Inquisition.
Vanessa is a second-year doctoral degree student in CLS. She received a bachelor’s degree in English with an emphasis in rhetoric from the University of Missouri, Kansas City. In 2018, she received a master’s degree in English from Emporia State University. Her research area of focus is Chicanx/Latinx literature. Other areas of interest include subversion of the Catholic structure and patriarchy in colonial Latin America, women’s rhetoric, curanderismo/brujería/mysticism, and representations of women in literature.