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MSU Chicano/Latino Studies Core Faculty Deyanira Nevarez Martinez appointed to the U.S. Interior advisory council on climate

December 11, 2023 - Karessa Weir

Dr. Deyanira Nevarez Martinez (Chicano/Latino Studies (CLS), Department of Urban and Regional Planning, School of Planning, Design and Construction) has been appointed by the Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland as a member of the new Advisory Council for Climate Adaptation Science 


Deyanira Necarez MartinezDr. Nevarez Martinez was appointed to represent the interests of academia for a 2-year term and was nominated by Congressman Raul M. Grijalva (D-Arizona), ranking member of the Natural Resources Committee. 


"We share the belief that the relationship between climate, environmental and housing justice is increasingly recognized as one of critical importance to our ability to respond to climate change. Dr. Nevarez Martinez is uniquely qualified to provide expertise on this and closely related topics," Rep. Grijalva wrote.  


The Council provides advice and recommendations to the Secretary of the Interior on the operation of the U.S. Geological Survey’s national and regional Climate Adaptation Sciences Centers.  


“The duties of the council include advising on a national strategy identifying key climate adaptation science priorities to advance the management of natural and cultural resources in the face of climate change. The Council will provide an important opportunity for dialogue among key partners interested in the science needed to support adaptation to a changing climate,” wrote Secretary Haaland. 


Dr. Nevarez Martinez has a Ph.D. in Urban and Environmental Planning and Policy with an emphasis in Chicano/Latino Studies from the University of California, Irvine. She is currently a faculty member in MSU’s Department of Urban and Regional Planning in the School of Planning, Design and Construction as well as CLS.  

Her research focuses on the role of the state in informal and precarious housing, such as the colonias of the US-Mexico border. A major theme in her work is the criminalization of poverty. Additionally, her work has looked at issues of gentrification, racial equity in land-use and transportation, racial segregation, and bail reform.