Brenda Pilar-Ayala named to MSU Homecoming Court
July 8, 2021
Brenda Pilar-Ayala is a Senior in the College of Social Sciences from Mexico City, Mexico. Pilar-Ayala is majoring in psychology and political science: pre-law and minoring in Chicano/Latino studies, educational studies and leadership in integrated learning. She has been chosen as a MSU 2021-22 Homecoming Court representative.
Due to her passion for education, she strives to work with organizations that help students succeed academically. She’s worked with MSU’s Read to Succeed and service-learning programs that allow her to volunteer at local schools. Her dedication to her studies gave her the opportunity to be admitted into the Psi Chi National Honor Society and Phi Sigma Pi (PSP), an honors fraternity, and was previously her PSP class’ vice president and is now the PSP philanthropy co-chair.
With the recent pandemic shifting the focus of many of their initiatives, Pilar-Ayala helped PSP raise funds for necessary equipment that local students in the community need to be academically successful. With her minor in leadership in integrated learning, she is a member of the Bailey Scholars Program, a learning community of scholars dedicated to lifelong learning. This program has made a great impact on Pilar-Ayala’s time at MSU and has given her the opportunity to grow personally and foster and develop her leadership skills.
“As a Homecoming Court representative, I am honored to represent Dreamers, immigrants, and first-generation college students.”