César E. Chávez & Dolores Huerta Commemorative Celebration

Fri, March 13, 2020 at Kellogg Center

Each year, the Michigan State University, Greater Lansing, and East Lansing communities gather at MSU to honor the legacy of two of the most prominent U.S. labor leaders and civil rights activists, César E. Chávez and Dolores Huerta. The commemorative celebration includes a student leadership conference, community luncheon, where community leadership awards are announced, and a march to the MSU Libraries for a tour and brief presentation at the Cesar Chavez Collection.

This program would not be possible without the help of colleagues and friends who support diversity, equity and inclusion. The list continues to grow, and we want to acknowledge and thank everyone:

MSU Chicano/Latino Studies Program

MSU History Department

MSU Division of Residential Hospitality Services

MSU Political Science Department

MSU Office for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives

MSU Julian Samora Research Institute

Amigos de Campesinos

Human Relations & Community Services in Lansing

City of East Lansing


2019-20 Planning Committee:


Enrique Mendoza, Co-Chair
Lupe Dominguez, Co-Chair
Eric Juenke
John Valadez
Laurie Briseno
Lucinda Briones
Maria Serrato
Paulo Gordillo
Nino Rodriquez

Staff Support:

Audrey Bentley, Sr. Coordinator, Community Outreach, Office
for Inclusion
Robert Biddle, Student Services Assistant II, Office of Cultural
& Academic Transition