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Ricardo Lorenz

Ricardo  Lorenz
  • Professor
  • CLS Core Faculty
  • College of Music


Venezuelan-born Lorenz has served as composer-in-residence in several programs and presenting organizations, such as the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s Armonía Musicians Residency Program (1998-2003), the Billings Symphony (1998-1999), and Music in the Loft chamber music series (1999-2000). He has also been the recipient of several other distinctions and awards from American Bandmasters Association, National Flute Association, Civitella Ranieri Foundation, Organization of American States (OAS), Concert Artists Guild, Meet-the-Composer, Barlow Endowment for Music Composition, the Newhouse Foundation, Illinois Community College Trustees Association, and ASCAP.

Between 1987 and 1992, he held the position of interim director of the Indiana University Latin American Music Center. As a performer/arranger, he has worked with well-known Latin/o American musicians such as Tito Puente, David Sánchez, Claudia Pérez, Farred Haque, and with the bands Folkloristas de México, Tiempo Libre, and Sones de México. Between 2003 and 2005 Lorenz went back to Indiana University to serve as visiting director of the Latin American Popular Music Ensemble.

